Welcome To OneTreeBlock
Stake Pool.
Welcome To OneTreeBlock
Stake Pool.
We are an offical stake pool operator in the cardano network. Our Devise: For each minted block, we will plant a real Tree.
Support the climate protection, and get Rewards in ADA (₳). OneTreeBlock [OTB].
Delegate your ADA (₳) to [OTB]
We mint blocks.
You earn rewards in every epoch.
We plant real trees.
Pool-Name: Onetreeblock | Live |
Ticker: OTB | |
Pool-ID: pool15ty42f8jmnd5y3ys5km3y66cy6emnqfx6yfwsm6ral0zwrs3ktj | |
Pool Pledge: 50.000 ₳ | |
Fixed Fee´s: 340 ₳ | |
Pool margin: 0,99% | |
Recent ROA: 8% | |
Saturation: 3% > 90% | |
Live Stake: 3m ₳ |
. . . OneTreeBlockuse pool margin to grow trees,
but also our business!
From the rewards, OTB pool earns per epoch, a fixed fee of 340 ₳ and a variable fee of 3.99% are conducted and given to the operator. This covers the pool costs and planting the trees. Excess rewards will be shared with the delegators. So the fees relate to the pool rewards and not to your stake. You will never lose money with staking.
No, your funds are always safe in your wallet! Basically, if you delegate, you register a certificate on the blockchain.
The simple answer: Yes! Because server runtimes are very important. As soon as the internet or electricity in the local area ceases to exist, we no longer participates in the consensus. As a result, we don’t get any blocks and you don’t get any rewards. You don’t have this problem with cloud computing.
The cardano blockchain distributes network control across stake pools: node operators with the infrastructure required to ensure a consistent and reliable connection to the network. For each slot, a stake pool is assigned as the slot leader, and is rewarded for adding a block to the chain. We are the stake pool operator that needs your delegation, so we can plant as many trees as possible. Each delegator receives rewards, every epoch through our pool. As soon as rewards are distributed we will plant a tree for every produced block. In this respect, every delegator receives rewards and at the same time does something for the environment.